Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Pervasiveness of Homosexuality

Air Date: May 11, 2011
Host: Jim Schneider
Guest: None

Show Audio

This Crosstalk looks at the following stories that document how numerous American institutions are deepening their embrace of homosexuality.

--The Presbyterian Church USA, after 30 years of debating what God has already declared to be an abomination, has now decided to allow gay clergy.

--The Obama administration became the first administration ever to host a meeting at the White House focusing exclusively on the discussion of federal policy related to transgender issues.

--Gay donors fuel Obama’s 2012 presidential bid.

--The lone republican among Minnesota’s legislators, who is opposed to a voter referendum on same-sex marriage, appeared to threaten a priest with legal repercussions for defending traditional marriage.

--The U.S. Navy abruptly reversed course yesterday after announcing it would allow gay marriages on base by chaplains. A firestorm of controversy caused them to reverse course yesterday pending additional review.

--Corporate motivational speaker and two-time gymnastics gold medalist Peter Vidmar resigns as head of the U.S. Olympic team after scathing criticism from homosexual activists because he donated $2,000 to support Proposition 8 in California in 2008.

--California senate mandates gay role models for students in curriculum (SB-48).

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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Healthcare Law Faces First Challenge/Johnson & Johnson and the Breast Cancer Link

Air Date: May 10, 2011
Host: Jim Schneider
Guest: Mat Staver and Karen Malec

Show Audio

Mat Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel appeared on the first segment of this edition of Crosstalk after arguing in the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in the first legal challenge against the federal healthcare law (Liberty University vs. Geithner).

The crux of the problem in this case centers around the idea that Obamacare would force people, via federal law, into the stream of commerce in order to purchase health insurance.

Mat was followed by Karen Malec, president and co-founder of The Coalition on Abortion/ Breast Cancer. The Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer is an international women's organization founded to protect the health and save the lives of women by educating and providing information on abortion as a risk factor for breast cancer.

Karen appeared on Crosstalk to discuss the decision by the shareholders of Johnson & Johnson to continue selling cancer-causing hormonal contraceptives (birth-control pills). This cancer connection has been shown scientifically by both the World Health Organization as well as the Mayo Clinic. Karen also explains the science behind why abortion increases a woman’s chances of contracting what’s known as “triple-negative” breast cancer.

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Monday, May 9, 2011

Is May 21st Judgment Day?

Air Date: May 9, 2011
Host: Vic Eliason
Guest: Jackie Alnor

Show Audio

Jackie Alnor has a BA degree from Texas A&M University in the field of Communication and Media and was trained in apologetics at the former Simon Greenleaf School of Law. She is a veteran researcher, writer, activist, and defender of the faith and hosts a weekly radio program on the Rapture Ready Radio network called the Apostasy Alert. She is the author of the book, The Fleecing of Christianity and her testimony is included in the book, On the Wings of Grace, an anthology of ex-Catholics edited by former priest Richard Bennett. She has been monitoring, taping, and documenting religious programming since the 1980’s and her clips have been used by many apologetics ministries in many video exposes.

In 1992, religious broadcaster Harold Camping published a book titled 1994? in which he set the date for the Lord's return for September 6, 1994. Obviously that date-setting effort failed so now in his latest book, Time Has An End, he has set a new "absolute" date of May 21, 2011. Unfortunately, his latest end-times message is garnering secular press which merely sets Christianity and prophecy up once again for ridicule by the mainstream press.

Despite the fact that his 1994 failure has shown Camping to be a false prophet, he has convinced many people of the validity of his new date. This is due to the great exposure he’s able to give such efforts through his 150 station Family Radio Network, a network that Jackie claims is now 65 million dollars in debt. His followers have also erected billboards across the U.S., some have emblazoned their cars with the message, while others are handing out T-shirts and bumper stickers.

Join Jackie and Vic as they explore Harold Camping’s bizarre world of numerology/theology and what the fallout might be when this date also fails.

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Friday, May 6, 2011

A Tribute to Mothers

Air Date: May 6, 2011
Host: Ingrid Schlueter
Guest: None

Show Audio

Ingrid shared some thoughts about what mothers would want as a Mother's Day present, and gave tribute to her mother, and to both birth mothers who give life, and adoptive mothers who take the responsibility of nurturing and molding a child's life.

The phone lines were then opened and most of the program is taken up by listeners giving tribute to mothers.

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Thursday, May 5, 2011

National Day of Prayer

Air Date: May 5, 2011
Host: Vic Eliason
Guest: None

Show Audio

On this official National Day of Prayer in the United States, Vic opened the program by reading a prayer by the Honorary Chairperson of the National Day of Prayer, Joni Eareckson Tada.

The history of prayer for our nation, and the record of God's protection of our nation, especially in times of war, was discussed. In addition, the need to pray not only for our nation, but for our churches and for Christian ministries, who are fighting a spiritual battle. Examples of God providing for ministries that are faithfully spreading the Gospel were given. Prayers that the Holy Spirit will convict people of their sin and their need for Christ, and that Christians will be more bold in sharing the Gospel, were also mentioned.

The phone lines were then opened for listeners to comment on prayer--including the need for prayer, answers to prayer, and Scriptures calling on believers to pray, were among the comments shared.

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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The King James Bible Anniversary: 400 Years of Beauty and Influence

Air Date: May 4, 2011
Host: Ingrid Schlueter
Guest: None

Show Audio

This week marks the 400th anniversary of the first publishing--between May 2 and May 5, 1611--of the Bible translation now known as the King James Version. This Bible has had a profound influence on the English-speaking world during these four centuries, contributing to language, customs, idioms, societal norms, and governments. In addition, as the most published book during that same time period, it has reached millions with the Word of God, exquisitely presented, which continues to have the power through the Holy Spirit to change the lives of its readers and bring many to Christ.

To mark this occasion, Ingrid opened the phone lines and invited listeners to call in during the entire program, and to read or recite their favorite Bible passages from the King James Version of the Bible.

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Force is the Left Hand of Entitlement

Air Date: May 3, 2011
Host: Vic Eliason
Guest: Jane Orient

Show Audio

Dr. Jane Orient, MD, is the Executive Director of Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), a voice for patients’ and physicians’ independence since 1943. She has practiced general internal medicine since 1981. Dr. Orient is the author of the book, YOUR Doctor Is Not In: Healthy Skepticism about National Health Care.

The AAPS is the only national medical association to go to court to fight implementation of the recently passed HealthCare law, also called “Obamacare”. It is Dr. Orient’s position that Obamacare “will increase individual health insurance costs, and if the federal government puts price controls on the premiums, the companies will simply have to go out of business. Promises are made, but the Plan will deliver higher costs, more hassles, fewer choices, less innovation, and less patient care.”

A big part of the problem is the perception that the government is providing free or very inexpensive healthcare. Other programs that have promised government payment of health costs, including Medicare, have resulted in many more people going for treatment for even minor ailments, thus clogging the system. In addition, the added regulations and paperwork that accompany any government program increase costs and lower the efficiency of providing the service.

Some states are already working to pass laws to make it illegal to require someone to purchase health insurance in those states, and some are seeking to nullify the entire national health care plan within their borders.

Callers gave examples the kinds of problems described, and also asked about health care for illegal aliens, those who are out of work, and those who make too much money for Medicaid, but not enough to purchase health insurance.

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Monday, May 2, 2011

Obama Announces Death of Osama Bin Laden

Air Date: May 2, 2011
Host: Vic Eliason
Guest: David Ruben

Show Audio

David Rubin is the former mayor of Shiloh, Israel, and is the founder and president of Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund. He is also the author of God, Israel, and Shiloh: Returning to the Land, and his new book, The Islamic Tsunami: Israel and America in the Age of Obama, which exposes the attempts of the Islamic ideologues to destroy Judeo-Christian civilization.

On Sunday night, Barack Obama announced that an American Special Forces team, operating in Pakistan, had killed Osama Bin Laden, leader of the Islamic terror group, Al Qaeda. Bin Laden had claimed credit for planning the 9-11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. He has been the world’s “most wanted man” for nearly a decade.

Despite the excitement that surrounded the announcement, news photos released of Bin Laden’s dead body were quickly denounced as being fake. In addition, the report from the U.S. military that the body was quickly buried at sea in accordance with Islamic law has created added concerns about the identity of the man who died. What proof is there that it was Bin Laden?

Also, in recent years a multitude of Islamic groups have become active in terrorist activities against Israel, and against western military and civilians in many countries. These groups, while they may disagree about tactics, are united in their goal to destroy Israel and all of "Christian” western civilization, replacing it with a world of Islam. Some are already denouncing Bin Laden’s death.

Thus there are concerns about retaliation against the United States and other western countries for the death of Osama Bin Laden.

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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Saturday April 30th - Best of the Week

Show Title: "Instilling a Christian Worldview in Young People"
Air Date: April 28, 2011
Host: Jim Schneider
Guests: Dr. Jeff Myers

Show Audio

Dr. Jeff Myers is current chairman of the board of Summit Ministries, and current president of Passing the Baton International. In the last 20 years Dr. Myers has become one of America’s most respected authorities on youth leadership development and will be the new president upon the retirement of Summit’s founder, Dr. David Noebel.

According to Dr. Myers, 4 out of 5 young people who are significantly involved in church in their teen years are no longer involved in any way by the time they reach their mid-20’s. Why is this happening and what causes that fifth young person to remain in the faith?

For nearly 50 years, Summit Ministries has been working to reverse this kind of erosion of faith as they train young people to understand the Christian worldview and apply it to their lives. Dr. Myers shares the importance of this in light of the current moral, spiritual and political downslide of America.

Dr. Myers presented a $50 scholarship offer to those youth interested in attending one of two upcoming Summit conferences. There is a Tennessee conference slated for Bryan University on July 10th-22nd and a Wisconsin conference in Green Lake scheduled for August 7th-19th. To obtain a scholarship form, communicate with Summit Ministries via the e-mail address below.

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Friday, April 29, 2011

Friday News and Commentary

Date: April 29, 2011
Host: Ingrid Schlueter
Guests: None

Show Audio

Ingrid obtained listener comment on these and other stories:

--David Wilkerson, writer of the book, The Cross and the Switchblade and founder of Times Square Church in New York City, died on 4/27 in a car-truck accident. He was 79.

--Areas of the southern U.S. were devastated by a tornado outbreak earlier this week.

--In everything from the church ceremony to the wardrobe of the participants, the Royal Wedding provided a considerable contrast to today’s weddings.

--Donald Trump shows a lack of leadership skills by giving an expletive-laden speech.

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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Christian Worldviews in Youth

Air Date: April 28, 2011
Host: Jim Schneider
Guest: Dr. Jeff Myers

Show Audio

Dr. Jeff Myers is current chairman of the board of Summit Ministries, and current president of Passing the Baton International. In the last 20 years Dr. Myers has become one of America’s most respected authorities on youth leadership development and will be the new president upon the retirement of Summit’s founder, Dr. David Noebel.

According to Dr. Myers, 4 out of 5 young people who are significantly involved in church in their teen years are no longer involved in any way by the time they reach their mid-20’s. Why is this happening and what causes that fifth young person to remain in the faith?

For nearly 50 years, Summit Ministries has been working to reverse this kind of erosion of faith as they train young people to understand the Christian worldview and apply it to their lives. Dr. Myers shares the importance of this in light of the current moral, spiritual and political downslide of America.

Dr. Myers presented a $50 scholarship offer to those youth interested in attending one of two upcoming Summit conferences. There is a Tennessee conference slated for Bryan University on July 10th-22nd and a Wisconsin conference in Green Lake scheduled for August 7th-19th. To obtain a scholarship form, communicate with Summit Ministries via the e-mail address below.

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The First Amendment and Porn in Libraries

Date: April 27, 2011
Host: Vic Eliason
Guests: Patrick Trueman

Show Audio

Patrick Trueman is the CEO of Morality in Media, the oldest and one of the most effective organizations fighting the problem of pornography. He is also the former Chief of the Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section, Criminal Division, U.S. Dept. of Justice.

The New York Post reported Monday that New Yorkers can watch Internet porn at the city’s 200-plus branch libraries thanks to a free speech policy protected by the First Amendment. The library is making this claim in spite of the fact that by law, libraries that accept federal funding must have blocking or filtering measures in place.

Trueman contradicts the claim by the American Library Association and others that these libraries have to allow porn because of the First Amendment. He also exposes the poor performance record of various White House administrations in not enforcing obscenity laws and tells listeners how they can make a difference through contacting the U.S. Attorney
General’s office.

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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Wellness - A Trojan Horse in Health Care

Date: April 26, 2011
Host: Ingrid Schlueter
Guests: Marcia Montenegro & Christine Pack

Show Audio

Marcia Montenegro edits the website, Christian Answers for the New Age, and works with Fellowship International Mission in Allentown, PA, which works to assist local churches to fulfill their missionary vision, and to assist missionaries to fulfill their call.

Christine Pack was a New Age Massage Therapist, but she and her sister now host the Sola Sisters Blog, which publishes articles and links to other resources

Both of the guests were involved in the New Age, but left it as they became believers in Jesus Christ.

Healing Techniques that come from Eastern Mysticism have emerged from being little-known, fringe alternatives to traditional health care, have now moved into the mainstream Today these are becoming common, even in some long-standing, traditional clinics, and some doctors are prescribing that these techniques be used on their patients.

Acupuncture--based on "Chi" which believes in invisible channels through which flow invisible energy, and thie idea of acupuncture is to open up these channels, which have no relationship to the physiology of the body itself.

Yoga--many forms, but all come out of Hinduism. The positions are prayer positions, and the mantras are the names of Hindu gods. Nevertheless, now Yoga has been embraced by some Christians who believe that they can replace the eastern religious implications with Christian ones.

Also discussed were such terms as "tapping", "attitudinal healing", "Reiki", "Reflexology", "praise moves", "breahwork", "Cranial Sacral", "Rolphing", and "myofascial release, among others.

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Monday, April 25, 2011

Project Gunrunners: ATF Trafficking Weapons?

Date: April 25, 2011 • Host: Jim Schneider • Guest: Larry Pratt

Show Audio

Larry Pratt has been Executive Director of Gun Owners of America for 30 years. GOA is a national membership organization of 300,000 Americans dedicated to promoting the second amendment freedom to keep and bear arms as they work to provide legal assistance to those involved in lawsuits with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.

This Crosstalk looks at Project Gunrunners, a program that appears to have resulted in firearms that ended up in the hands of Mexicans with the hope that crimes would be committed with them. These firearms would be traceable back to America which would give authorities reason to clamp down on firearm sales here in the U.S.

Is the ATF really involved in trafficking weapons to the Mexican criminal element? Is there any connection between this project and an international gun-ban treaty being pushed by the Obama administration? You decide when you review this edition of Crosstalk.

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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Knowing the True Christ in an Age of Counterfeits

Date: April 21, 2011 • Host: Ingrid Schlueter • Guest: Warren Smith

Show Audio

Warren Smith (B.A. University of Pennsylvania; M.S.W. Tulane University) is a free lance writer and community social worker who was formerly involved in the New Age movement. He has served as a program coordinator for people with special needs, directed several homeless programs, and has worked most recently as a Hospice social worker in New Orleans and on the California coast. He has written extensively on the subject of spiritual deception and has been widely interviewed on radio and television. He is author of The Light that was Dark, Deceived on Purpose, A Wonderful Deception and False Christ Coming: Does Anybody Care?

Having been saved out of the New Age movement, Warren Smith knows that there are many "christs" in the world today. As we are about to observe Good Friday and the resurrection of Christ, Warren underscores the importance of knowing the true and risen Christ, not a counterfeit.

The discussion begins with mention of Shirley McClain. She may not have been taken seriously years ago because of her New Age beliefs yet she was recently on the Oprah Winfrey Show. Why? It’s because some New Age teachings are no longer considered “fringe” but are now mainstream. Smith proves the point when he references Purpose-Driven author Rick Warren who has brought in three New Age doctors into his church through his “Daniel Plan”.

From there the discussion moves on to Marianne Williamson and her deceptive book, A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles, the deceptive use of Bible terminology by New Age proponents, the experience that pointed him to Christ, the ties that the Emergentmovement has with the New Age, and more.

Also mentioned was Chuck Klein's Understanding the Times conference on April 30th in Cedarburg, Wisconsin. Pastor Larry Debruyn, Sarah Leslie and Warren Smith will be speaking on counterfeit spirituality.

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

40 Irrefutable Signs of the Last Generation

Date: April 19, 2011 • Host: Vic Eliason • Guest: Usama Dakdok

Show Audio

Dr. Noah Hutchings is president of Southwest Radio Ministry in Oklahoma City. He has written more than 100 books and booklets covering many Bible related themes. He has traveled to many places around the world in his lifetime and his 40 trips to Israel and the Middle East helps to make him uniquely qualified to speak on the issue of signs related to last-days events.

While Dr. Hutchings doesn’t set specific dates for Christ's return, Christians can’t ignore the fact that 40 is the biblical number of probationary judgment. In light of that, Dr. Hutchings uses his time on Crosstalk to explain how he’s been able to document 40 signs that he believes point to the last generation that will see the return of Christ; signs that are relative to today's world.

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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Jesus and the Koran

Date: April 19, 2011 • Host: Vic Eliason • Guest: Usama Dakdok

Show Audio

Usama Dakdok was born in Egypt and grew up in a Christian home.Through his education in a government school he learned about Islam, like every other student in a Muslim country. He came to America in 1992, and upon finding out that there were many Muslims here, he decided to embark upon a ministry to those individuals.

As we approach Good Friday, Vic thought it would be appropriate to have Usama share his thoughts regarding how Muslims feel about Jesus. As Usama explains, Muslims don’t believe Jesus died on the Cross. They believe Jesus was a great prophet, but as a prophet, Allah would not allow him to be killed by the Jews.

According to Usama, 87% of Muslims haven’t read the Koran, therefore when witnessing to them, they may say they believe certain things that they claim are in the Koran when in fact, they aren’t. In response he has taken the Koran and translated it into English for Christians to use in their efforts to witness to Muslims.

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Monday, April 18, 2011

Battle for the Border

Date: April 18, 2011 • Host: Vic Eliason • Guest: Larry Devere

Show Audio

As Vic and Larry began this broadcast, Larry noted that if the home country of an illegal alien won’t take them back, they are detained and eventually released into the public here in the U.S.

It’s this kind of border policy vacuum that makes the latest decision by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals so astounding. This court upheld the gutting of SB 1070, Arizona’s law enforcement and immigration law and amounts to judicially imposed amnesty.

Can our southern border even be secured? What about the charges of racism involved in such efforts? What part has the A.C.L.U. played in this? Find the answers to these questions along with what you can do to make a difference on this edition of Crosstalk.

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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Best of The Week - April 16, 2011

Date: April 14, 2011 • Host: Vic Eliason • Guest: None

Show Audio

In this edition of Crosstalk, Vic Eliason plays two segments from the late Dr. Adrian Rogers speaking on a very important issue for the church today.The subject is luke-warm Christianity, the kind that shows itself through an apathetic attitude, and a general lack of zeal for the things of God in this world.

Vic also mentioned a book by Dr. Noah Hutchings: 40 Irrefutable Signs of the Last Generation, available to listeners through the Crosstalk ministry at the address and phone number listed below.

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Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday News Roundup

Date: April 15, 2011 • Host: Ingrid Schlueter • Guest: None

Crosstalk Audio

Ingrid presented listeners with details on the following stories:

--A federal appeals court rules that the National Day of Prayer is legal.

--A senate bill in California that would mandate that gay history be taught in schools and that would require textbook manufacturers to include gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender history has passed in the California senate. If adopted by the state assembly and signed by the governor, California will become the first state to require the teaching of gay history.

--Newsweek Magazine is featuring a cover story on the controversy over Pastor Rob Bell’s book, Love Wins. The story is written by Pulitzer Prize winning author and former editor of Newsweek, Jon Meacham. The article is called, What If There’s No Hell? Ingrid encouraged listeners to read a response from Dr. Albert Mohler at the link listed below.

--Elmbrook Church’s Mel Lawrenz weighs in on the Rob Bell controversy.

--A church has decided to create a parody of Rebecca Black’s “Friday” video for their Easter services. The idea was to create a weekend party anthem in order to attract people to their church.

--Today a pastor need not do a lot of work. All you need to do is go to So now pastors can get their sermon outlines and video clips online.

A Crosstalk listener writes to say that she feels church has gotten too casual with people eating and drinking and treating church with disrespect. The rest of the show fielded comments from listeners who weighed in on whether the casual approach to worship is Scriptural or not.

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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Luke-Warm Christianity

Date: April 14, 2011 • Host: Vic Eliason • Guest: None

Crosstalk Audio

In this edition of Crosstalk, Vic Eliason plays two segments from the late Dr. Adrian Rogers speaking on a very important issue for the church today.The subject is luke-warm Christianity, the kind that shows itself through an apathetic attitude, and a general lack of zeal for the things of God in this world.

Vic also mentioned a book by Dr. Noah Hutchings: 40 Irrefutable Signs of the Last Generation, available to listeners through the Crosstalk ministry at the address and phone number listed. For more details on this show, click below.

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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Little Ones to Him Belong

Date: April 13, 2011 • Host: Jim Schneider • Guest: Kim and Jennifer Fink

Show Audio

This Crosstalk looks at the experiences of Kim and Jennifer Fink, a couple that lost their baby son Carl to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) three years ago.

From their recollections of what they felt when Jennifer found out she was pregnant, to the details of Carl’s passing, to the emotional aftermath; this is a story not of sadness but one of hope. The Finks share the testimony of what The Lord's working in their hearts. They share how God gives and God takes, but God is always Good.

The Fink’s have a six-panel tract called, Little Ones to Him Belong, the title of which came from the song Jesus Loves Me that ministered to Kim right after Carl’s death. In addition to telling Carl’s story, it’s designed to help others going through the grief and suffering that come with the loss of a loved one.

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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Atheist "Bible" Unveiled

Date: April 12, 2011 • Host: Vic Eliason • Guest: Alex McFarland

Show Audio

Alex McFarland is an author, Christian apologist and popular commentator on Fox & Friends, the morning show on the Fox News Cable Network. He’s a regular on Fox News’ The strategy Room and this year he joined Marvin Sanders to co-host Explore the Word on American Family Radio.

McFarland formerly served as the President of Southern Evangelical Seminary and is also an author releasing two new books this year—10 Questions Every Christian Must Answer and Inside the Mind of the Skeptic.

A.C. Grayling’s The Good Book: A Secular Bible and another offering called 21st Century Testament are literary works that attempt to teach truth and virtue from a human perspective as an alternative to the Christian Bible.

According to McFarland these efforts are driven by the idea that a naturalistic worldview is the best way to understand reality and discern truth. This view communicates that we don’t have revelation but speculation.

McFarland believes America has become like Israel in Judges 5:8. We have chosen new gods and there is war within the gates. These books would appear to prove his point and amplify the reality of a spiritual warfare that is taking place.

Are there limits to pluralism? What about the battle between Islam vs. secularism in France as well as America? What books can you read to help you understand the times? You’ll get the answers along with the views of listeners when you join Vic and Alex for this stimulating edition of Crosstalk.

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Monday, April 11, 2011

PFOX Day of Silence Supports Ex-gays

Host: Ingrid Schlueter
Guest: Regina Griggs
Date: April 11, 2011

Regina Griggs is the Executive Director with Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX)

Ingrid began this broadcast with a story noting that the California Senate Education Committee was going to consider a bill requiring schools to spend scarce resources to become more gay-friendly. Senate Bill 48 requires that U.S. history, California history and social science be taught with a deliberate emphasis on the contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals.

This story underscores the importance of what’s about to take place this Friday, April 15th. That’s the date for the nationwide pro-gay Day of Silence, the annual attempt by the pro-gay lobby to convince the public that homosexuals are victims. In response, Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX) is urging parents, students and educators to distribute their
literature at high schools and colleges across America. This literature communicates the truth regarding bullying and gender confusion and can help the plight of ex-gays who themselves are often the victims of harassment by those our schools are claiming to protect.

Will the schools be tolerant of this viewpoint? The nation will find out this Friday and in the meantime you can educate yourself when you review this edition of Crosstalk.

To view and download materials on bullying and gender confusion that
you can distribute to counter the gay lobby rhetoric concerning the Day of
Silence, go to:

Crosstalk Audio

Friday, April 8, 2011

States in Rebellion

Date: April 8, 2011
Host: Vic Eliason
Guest: David Kupelian

David Kupelian is Managing Editor of, the largest independent Internet news service in America. He is author of several books including his latest, HOW EVIL WORKS: Understanding and Overcoming the Destructive Forces that are Transforming America.

The April issue of Whistleblower Magazine is called States of Rebellion How legislators and governors nationwide are openly challenging a rogue President. A wide-ranging rebellion is indeed under way by a large majority of states. They are fighting back against federal power grabs and are seriously intent on declaring such unconstitutional laws null and void in their

On this Crosstalk, David looks at the specific points that are straining the relationship between the states and the federal government. Some of these include the idea of nullification, the Second Amendment, Utah’s acceptance of gold and silver as legal tender, eligibility proof legislation, and more.


Crosstalk Audio

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Christian Relationships in the Digital Age

Date: April 7, 2011
Host: Ingrid Schlueter
Guest: None

If there is a lack of love in the church today, what happens when we transfer that environment into the digital arena? In other words, is Matthew 18 in effect for our Internet behavior as well?

For example, about five weeks ago a podcaster who’s been on Crosstalk began to slander Ingrid on the Internet as he took issue with some things she had said regarding Rick Warren.

This is an example of what can happen with Christians on the Internet today. We can find ourselves using pejorative language and violent metaphors with Christians we disagree with. At that point our Internet relationships will have taken on a video game type of character where we treat others as though they are nothing more than avatars.

In this edition of Crosstalk, Ingrid encourages people to model forgiveness and
reconciliation, even in the often unpredictable Internet world.

Temporarily, no audio is available for this show

Pro-Life News-Christian Maternity Center to Open

Date: April 6, 2011
Host: Ingrid Schlueter
Guest: James Lansberry

James Lansberry is president of Samaritan Ministries International, a non-profit charity that exists to provide a mechanism for Christians to help one another with medical bills without using insurance. Members share over 4 million dollars in medical bills a month among 17,000 plus families in all 50 states.

Christians are known for opposing abortion and encouraging mothers to not abort their babies, but mothers who choose to give their children life have often had only the government to rely on when it comes to medical care and support during pregnancy. The Morning Center, a pro-mother, pro-child, full-service Christian maternity center with a raft of services, is scheduled to open in 2012. This center will offer medical care for mothers and a place to deliver their babies all in a Christ-centered environment.

Ingrid relates this to the state of Christianity today as she asks, “If we have money for the kind of conferences and the webinars and the interactive seminars and the big blowouts with big celebrity names, then maybe we could fund a maternity hospital.”

Then before taking calls, Ingrid presented the following news story:

--Abortion advocates threaten pro-lifers and slash tires in violence.


3434 W. Kilbourn Ave.
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Crosstalk Audio

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What Issues Concern You Today?

Date: April 5, 2011
Host: Vic Eliason
Guest: None

Vic Eliason presented the following stories and then accepted comments from Crosstalk listeners:

--Arizona offers tuition tax credits for religious schools, something that some people may feel aids religion while still others may feel this simply allows parents to pick the best school for their children. These tax credits were legally challenged and in a narrow 5-4 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that taxpayers don’t have standing to bring the lawsuit that aimed to end the tax credit system.

--President Obama has announced he will seek another term as president.

--Vic reviewed President Obama’s long pro-abortion record.

--Vic also played an audio clip of a controversial statement from Dr. Billy Graham regarding salvation.


3434 W. Kilbourn Ave.
Milwaukee, WI. 53208
To order today's program on CD for a donation of $6.00

NOTE: Temporarily, until our full website is updated, orders can be accepted only by mail or phone.

By mail:

3434 W. Kilbourn Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53208

By phone: 1-800-729-9829 M-F 8am-5pm Central

Crosstalk Audio

Monday, April 4, 2011

Vic Eliason with Keith Mason-"Personhood for the Preborn"

Date: April 4, 2011
Host: Vic Eliason
Guest: Keith Mason

Keith Mason is with Personhood USA, a grassroots Christian organization
founded to establish personhood efforts across America to create protection
for every child by love and by law. Personhood USA is committed
to assisting and supporting personhood legislation and constitutional
amendments and building local pro-life organizations through raising
awareness of the personhood of the pre-born.

This Crosstalk covers personhood amendment activity in Alabama,
Mississippi and North Dakota. In fact, North Dakota's personhood
legislation could be passed as early as this week making them the first state
to pass such legislation.

These efforts begin with a single pro-life individual who contacts a legislator
along with going to the Personhood USA website and starting a petition
moving throughout their area.


To download the personhood legislation proposed for Alabama go to:

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Crosstalk Audio

Friday, April 1, 2011

Ken Ham Dropped from Homeschool Conferences

Date: April 1, 2011
Host: Vic Eliason
Guest: Ken Ham

Ken Ham is the CEO and founder of Answers in Genesis.

Recently, Ken Ham was un-invited to speak at two large homeschool
conventions, one near Cincinnati and the other near Philadelphia. This
was after he spoke out against the false teachings of Dr. Peter Enns of an
organization known as BioLogos. Mr. Enns, who was a previous presenter
and author of a homeschool curriculum that teaches spiritual error, was
kicked out of Westminster Theological Seminary in 2005 for writing a book
where he denied Scriptural inerrancy.

This issue parallels a new book Ken has coming out in mid-April
titled, Already Compromised. This book takes a look at the shocking state of
Christian higher education.


To obtain a copy of Ken's book, Already Compromised at 40% off call:

Here's a link to a complete article on this subject:

Here's the link to a video clip of Dr. Peter Enns denying that Paul had a
correct view of Jesus and Adam:

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Crosstalk Audio

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Libya's Revolutionaries: Freedom Fighters or Al Qaeda?

Date: March 31, 2011
Host: Ingrid Schlueter
Guest: David Rubin

David Rubin is the former Mayor of Shiloh, Israel, the founder and president
of the Shiloh Israel Children's Fund and author of a new book: The Islamic
Tsunami: Israel and America in the Age of Obama.

While David admits he's no fan of Libyan leader Muammar Gadaffi, he
questions the recent comment from President Obama where he stated that
the interests and values of the U.S. are represented by the actions of the
Islamic rebels in Libya.

According to David, the Muslim Brotherhood is the extreme representation
of the Sunnis while Iran is the extreme example of the Shiites. The two are
the forces for terrorism but also the power brokers in the Middle East. With
moderate Hosni Mubarak out of power in Egypt, what is Obama thinking?

This is the basis for discussion as Ingrid and David look at the forces that
Obama is supporting; forces that are attempting to shape the political and
social landscape in Libya and elsewhere in the Middle East.


To order The Islamic Tsunami: Israel and America in the Age of Obama,
call 1-800-431-1579.

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Crosstalk Audio

News and Comment with Vic Eliason

Date: March 30, 2011
Host: Vic Eliason
Guest: None

This Crosstalk features news and comment on a number of stories of interest
to Christians including:

--The Center for Military Readiness reports that the U.S. Army is
implementing a 3-tiered lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender training
program for military chaplains.

--House Speaker John Boehner insists that House Republicans will not back
down in their efforts to defund Planned Parenthood.

--A former student at Gateway East High School in the San Diego area
has filed suit against the school saying he was disciplined and suspended for
bringing his Bible to school and sharing his faith.

--Feds investigate a large American charter school operation for possible
financing of a Muslim movement in Turkey.

--A Disney animator believes it's only a matter of time before the company
creates movies favorable to homosexual characters and families.

--Gay civil unions threaten to force Catholic charities out of adoptions.

--A New Brunswick florist is under fire by homosexual activists for refusing
to supply flowers for a lesbian marriage ceremony.

--Pastor Rob Bell has hit the talk-show circuit in defense of his book, Love
Wins. The book is controversial, particularly its teachings on hell, which is
exemplified on a four-minute clip Vic plays from Good Morning America.


To access the entire 3-tiered lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender training
program for military chaplains, Google the policy information brief for "chief
of chaplains."

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Crosstalk Audio

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

"Standing Up to the NEA"

Date: March 29, 2011
Host: Jim Schneider
Guest: Tracey Bailey

Tracey Bailey is the Director of Education Policy at the American Association of Educators. Bailey oversees all education and labor policy as it relates to education. He believes that teachers should have a choice in professional organizations and works with educational leaders nationwide to promote increased professionalism among educators.

Bailey served in the Florida Department of Education for four years as the State Coordinator for Education Reform and as the Director of Charter Schools and Public School Choice. In 1993 he was selected as the National Teacher of the Year.

Bailey realizes that unions have done some good things. However, he believes that to force a teacher to become part of a militant, partisan, special interest union for the privilege of having a job in the public sector is wrong. He views this as a law from a bygone industrial era and is glad to see laws doing away with forced union dues.

Instead, Bailey believes teachers want choice and AAE works to offer teachers a future in education where they will be free to control their careers, providing individual input into their own pay and benefit packages and making their own decision about use of time, resources, and teaching methodologies. From the history of private and public unions to charter schools to the debate over local vs. national control of education; these and many other aspects of education and what can be done to improve it are covered on this edition of Crosstalk.

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Monday, March 28, 2011

Seniors Take on Obamacare

Date: March 28, 2011
Host: Ingrid Schlueter
Guest: Daniel Weber

Daniel C. Weber founded the Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC) in the summer of 2007. Weber owned and operated a successful family insurance business for more than 30 years before retiring to form AMAC—an organization similar to the AARP but with a conservative focus. In his opinion, the United States is going through a period of drastic change that is tearing down the traditional values of our country. In Weber’s view, the very Constitution we were founded on is being disregarded. Each year the power of government increases while individual freedoms are threatened. High taxes are causing working families to suffer.

A proud defender of free enterprise, Weber feels we have the greatest economic system ever devised by man along with the world’s best health care system. His discussion with Ingrid offers details as to how AARP disguises its political agenda, why Obamacare has gotten as far as it has, and what all of us can do to prevent our health care system from evolving into one that is fully socialized.

Although AMAC offers discounted auto insurance, health insurance, as well as Medicare programs and supplements, their main function is to present the true voice of America’s older citizens. They have a lobbyist in Washington, D.C., and 250 ambassadors around the country that visit local congressional offices to let legislators know what older Americans are thinking and feeling.


Association of Mature American Citizens


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Friday, March 25, 2011

Open Mic Friday

Date: March 25, 2011
Host: Ingrid Schlueter
Guest: None

While Ingrid waited for calls to come in, she presented an opening
monologue that dealt with the current state of food prices as well as a
government plan that proposes to tax people per mile driven to raise

Callers raised issues such as contemporary Christian music, the economy
and its affect on the family, made in America, unions, Pastor Rob Bell's new
book and more.


3434 W. Kilbourn Ave.
Milwaukee, WI. 53208

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Helping Our Suffering Brothers and Sisters

Date: March 24, 2011
Host: Jim Schneider
Guest: Court Wood

Court Wood is the Founder and Director of In Jesus Name Ministries.

Court Wood has literally traveled the world to visit Christian believers living in Hindu, communist, Muslim and Buddhist nations. In this program he joins Jim Schneider to discuss what he has seen and the struggles these
believers face.

In Pakistan, believers are facing increasing pressure and persecution from radical fundamental Islam. Court discusses why Islam is not a religion of peace and gives examples of those who bravely stood up yet lost their lives for opposing blasphemy laws.

From the land of plenty to the grinding oppression of impoverished nations on the other side of the globe, Court has experienced this contrast. What are the needs of oppressed Christians in other parts of the world and how can the
church in America "bear one another's burdens" and best help them? Find out as you review this edition of Crosstalk.

Also discussed was H.R. 440. This is legislation that would provide for the establishment of a special envoy to promote religious freedom of religious minorities in the Near East and South-Central Asia. To communicate your
support for this legislation, contact your legislators via the information listed


To contact your legislators regarding H.R. 440 go to or call

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By phone: 1-800-729-9829 M-F 8am-5pm Central

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Defunding Planned Parenthood

Date:March 23, 2011
Host:Ingrid Schlueter
Guest:Steven Mosher

Steven Mosher is the President of the Population Research Institute, an
organization dedicated to ending human rights abuses committed in the
name of "family planning," and to ending counter-productive social and
economic paradigms premised on the myth of "overpopulation."
Steven discusses the history of Planned Parenthood beginning with the Birth
Control League back in 1918. He notes how this "league" deliberately
intended to set up birth control clinics in minority neighborhoods populated
by immigrants because the wealthy of the Northeastern U.S. felt that
immigrants were having too many children.
Planned Parenthood has evolved to the point where they are responsible for
about one-quarter of all abortions done in the U.S. About a third of their
total budget comes from federal, state and local tax dollars, all of which has
allowed them to become a billion dollar organization.
Taking tax money from American citizens is bad enough but as Steven
points out, Planned Parenthood also makes us poor by killing off a portion of
the next generation, the generation we're depending upon to keep America

Link to Steven Mosher's article

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By phone: 1-800-729-9829 M-F 8am-5pm Central

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ignorance Imperils America's Future

Date:March 22, 2011
Host:Ingrid Schlueter
Guest:No Guest

While many of us would like to hear less about illegal aliens and more about people becoming official citizens of the United States, would you be able to pass a basic citizenship test?
For example: What is the supreme law of the land? How many Supreme Court justices are there? How many amendments does the Constitution have?
These are just a few of the questions discussed that were part of a basic citizenship test taken by 1,000 Americans as reported by Newsweek magazine. Sadly, their report indicated that 38% of those taking the test failed.
How does civic ignorance regarding such questions imperil our future? Find out how listeners responded to that question when you review this edition of Crosstalk.

To see the quiz go to:

Other resources:
To obtain the Civics Activity book or American Government book
mentioned by Ingrid go to or call 877-223-5226.

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Milwaukee, WI 53208
By phone: 1-800-729-9829 M-F 8am-5pm Central

Monday, March 21, 2011

Resisting Environmental Extremism

Date:March 21, 2011
Host:Jim Schneider
Guest:Dr. James Wanliss

James A. Wanliss, Ph.D., is a lay theologian and physicist. His entry into
the environmental debate began when he was asked to teach a university
course that scientifically examined several prominent claims of the
Green movement that proved to be either false or highly exaggerated. As he
explored the movement further, seeking the origins of its flawed scientific
claims, he found that its pervasively religious terminology showed that it
was an alternative to the Christian faith. Born in South Africa and educated
there, he has undergraduate degrees in applied mathematics and physics,
a master of science in geophysics, has been an elder in the Free Church of
Scotland and is now associate professor of physics at Presbyterian College,
Clinton, SC.
The basis for this Crosstalk is a new book released by the Cornwall Alliance
for the Stewardship of Creation. The book, Resisting the Green Dragon,
looks at the extremist worldview, ethics and theology of the "green"
movement. More specifically, its author, James A. Wanliss, Ph.D., uses
his time on Crosstalk to expose this movement's anti-Christian spirituality
and its attempt to co-opt the church by folding its principles of conservation
and "planetary salvation" into evangelicalism through leaders like Jim
Wallis, Ron Sider and others.

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By phone: 1-800-729-9829 M-F 8am-5pm Central

Friday, March 18, 2011

Americans for Truth Academy/Open Mic Friday

Date:March 18, 2011
Host:Ingrid Schlueter
Guest: Linda Harvey

Linda Harvey is a former advertising executive who, back in 1995, founded
Mission America, a non-profit organization focusing on cultural issues such
as feminism, homosexuality, education and New Age influences.
During the first quarter hour, Linda points out that there are times when we
must turn the other cheek. However, that's a person-to-person principle.
On the other hand, when it comes to issues like the homosexual-bisexual-
transgender agenda, this is a national issue and we can't afford to be silent.
It's for this reason that she discussed the upcoming Americans for Truth
Academy to be held on April 1st and 2nd at the Discover Christian Church
in Dublin, Ohio. The theme of the conference is: "The Hate-Labeling of
Christians—Why It's Happening and What We Can Do?" Mission America is
co-sponsoring the event with Americans for Truth About Homosexuality.
Speakers include Matt Barber, Vice President of Liberty Counsel Action;
Rena Lindevaldsen, Liberty Counsel attorney and professor with Liberty
University School of Law and David Kupelian, and bestselling author of
The Marketing of Evil and How Evil Works.
In other news:
A U.N panel discussion on the status of women recently concluded that
graphic sex education needs to be taught in the classroom.
Ingrid also let's listeners know that for those who want to give to a trusted
Christian charity that has a designated Japan disaster relief fund, check into
Christian Aid Missions. They are delivering their financial relief directly to
their churches and missions in Japan.

To contact Christian Aid Missions go or call 800-

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By phone: 1-800-729-9829 M-F 8am-5pm Central

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Impact of Lawless Lawmakers

Date:March 17, 2011
Host:Jim Schneider
Guest: Phyllis Schlafly

Phyllis Schlafly has been a national leader of the conservative movement
since the publication of her best-selling 1964 book, A Choice Not an Echo.
She has been a leader of the pro-family movement since 1972, when she
started her national volunteer organization now called Eagle Forum. In a
ten-year battle, Mrs. Schlafly led the pro-family movement to victory over
the principal legislative goal of the radical feminists, called the Equal Rights
Amendment. An articulate and successful opponent of the radical feminist
movement, she appears in debate on college campuses more frequently
than any other conservative. She was named one of the 100 most important
women of the 20th century by the Ladies' Home Journal.
When Democratic lawmakers in Wisconsin fled to Illinois last month to
avoid a vote on a state budget bill, a new political precedent was being set.
After several weeks of holding up the democratic process, the lawmakers
returned and are being viewed by some as heroes.
Phyllis brings her experience to bear on this topic of lawless lawmakers as
she comments on the Wisconsin Democrats that fled their responsibilities,
the difficulty of the recall process, the death threats sent to Governor Scott
Walker, and she also answers numerous questions from Crosstalk listeners.

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

"Unions: Getting Out"

Date:March 16, 2011
Host:Vic Eliason
Guest: Brad Dacus

Brad Dacus served as Legislative Assistant to U.S. Senator Phil Gramm, and went on to receive his Juris Doctorate from the University of Texas, School of Law. For the next five years, Mr. Dacus coordinated religious freedom and parental rights cases throughout the Western states. In 1997, Mr. Dacus founded Pacific Justice Institute, where he serves as President and continues to defend religious liberties and parental rights. The Pacific Justice Institute has a network of approximately a thousand volunteer affiliate attorneys and handles more cases on the West Coast than any other organization of its kind.
With the recent budget moves by Wisconsin governor Scott Walker, unions are in the spotlight. The problem is, what if you work in a union job and you know that your union dues are going to causes that are unbiblical? What are your options?
Brad presents information concerning your rights available under Title 7 of the Civil Rights Act, the help available through the National Right to Work Foundation, his thoughts on public sector collective bargaining, and more.
On the second half of the program, Vic played sound bites of public sector school students, in two separate venues, being used as messengers by political motivators. Should teachers be allowed to do this with our children at taxpayer expense? Find out what listeners had to say on this edition of Crosstalk.

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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Japan Earthquake: An Eyewitness

Date:March 15, 2011
Host:Vic Eliason
Guest:David Benoit

Dave Benoit is with Glory Ministries.
During the first half of this edition of Crosstalk, Dave recalls his experience of being on the 43rd floor of a high-rise building in Japan during their recent earthquakes.  He also describes the miracle that allowed him to get a departing flight in an airport crowded with thousands of people.
The second half of the program features Dave giving details regarding what is perhaps an even bigger and more profound miracle.  It’s the story of how God used modern Internet technology and a young Chinese person to help Dave start a unique branch of ministry.  This ministry allows him to bring children to America from places like Asia and Africa, and while they are here, they receive a Christian education.

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By phone: 1-800-729-9829 M-F 8am-5pm Central

Up with Sharia, Down with the Constitution

Date:March 14, 2011
Host:Vic Eliason
Guest: David Rubin

David Rubin is the former mayor of Shiloh, Israel, a region of Samaria known to much of the world as the West Bank.  He is the founder and president of Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund, dedicated to easing the trauma of children who have been victims of terrorist attacks, as well as rebuilding the biblical heartland of Israel.  The Fund was established after Rubin and this 3 year old son were wounded in a terrorist attack while driving home from Jerusalem.  He vowed to retaliate, not with hatred or anger, but with compassion, in order to affect positive change for Israel and its people.
David is the author of, The Islamic Tsunami: Israel and America in the Age of Obama, a book that exposes the attempts of the Islamic ideologues to destroy Judeo-Christian civilization.
Why does he describe Islam as a “tsunami”?  Find out as you hear how he debunks the idea that Islam is a peaceful religion radicalized by a few, and what “peace” really means to Muslims who abide by the radical teachings of this religion.
However, amidst the warnings, don’t miss out on his message that with its foundation in law based upon the Bible, America is capable of standing up to the tsunami of Islam and its push to institute Sharia law.
Later in the program, Vic replayed the audio first played on Crosstalk on 3/11, on which British Muslim cleric Anjem Choudary describes a grim view of American society, and then tries to explain why Islamic Sharia law is the answer to our problems.
Muslim site that attempts to show Islam is peaceful:

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Friday, March 11, 2011

Muslim Cleric Proposes Sharia Law for America

Host: Vic Eliason

Vic began this edition of Crosstalk with an audio recording of British
Muslim cleric Anjem Choudary who had scheduled a rally on the steps of
the White House that was eventually cancelled. Choudary describes a grim
view of American society and he communicates why he believes Sharia
Islamic law is the alternative that can improve our current state of affairs.

Do we understand this? When we open our churches to Muslims and allow
them to hold Islamic services, are we allowing the “Trojan horse” into
our midst? These are questions that Vic posed to listeners as he opened
the phone lines to hear what America had to say about this bold Islamic


3434 W. Kilbourn Ave.

Milwaukee, WI. 53208

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Defunding NPR

March 10, 2011

Host: Jim Schneider
Guest: Robert Romano

Robert Romano is the senior editor with Americans for Limited

From the firing of commentator Juan Williams, to the recent resignation of
the president and CEO of National Public Radio (NPR), the Corporation
for Public Broadcasting is currently under great scrutiny. This corporation,
which is the parent of National Public Radio, currently receives 420 million
annually in taxpayer funding. So, wouldn’t this move destroy public

This is not the case as Robert notes how NPR’s own V.P for Development,
Ron Schiller, revealed that NPR does not need taxpayer funding; that in fact,
it hurts their own fundraising efforts because potential donors believe that
the stations get most of their funding via taxpayer dollars.

Republican lawmakers are making this same contention which just adds
weight to the public relations problems facing the Corporation for Public


Americans for Limited Government website:

Fox News clip of an NPR executive attacking the Tea Party and

Times Union article on the NPR funding fight:

To tell your legislators how you feel about taxpayer funding of the
Corporation for Public Broadcasting, call the Capital Switchboard at 202-

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Jim Schneider with Ray Comfort: "The Defender’s Guide for Life’s Toughest Questions"

Date:March 9, 2011
Host:Jim Schneider
Guest: Ray Comfort

To open this edition of Crosstalk, Jim Schneider reported the following:
--The U.S. Supreme Court denies Michael Newdow’s legal challenge to America’s national motto.
--Congressman Peter King facing threats because he’s holding hearings on radical Islam
Ray Comfort is a best-selling author as well as founder, president and CEO of Living Waters Publications, a ministry involved in reaching the lost and equipping Christians with every necessary resource to fulfill the Great Commission.
Skeptics today are challenging Christians with questions that many simply aren’t prepared to answer.  To prepare believers with the answers they need, Ray Comfort wrote the book, The Defender’s Guide for Life’s Toughest Questions.
This Crosstalk looks at some of the questions from the book; questions derived from his experiences in blogging with atheists such as:
--Why does God allow sickness and death if He is sovereign?
--Why won’t God heal amputees?
--Why do we have a New Testament?  Wasn’t the Old Testament good enough?
--How do we know the biblical God is the real God?
--Should we take our children to the doctor or would that be interfering with the work of God in his life?
To obtain a copy of The Defender’s Guide for Life’s Toughest Questions at a discount of 46% off, go to or call 1-888-722-4829.

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By mail:
3434 W. Kilbourn Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53208
By phone: 1-800-729-9829 M-F 8am-5pm Central

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Jim Schneider with Jerry Bergman: "The Dark Side of Darwin"

Date:March 8, 2011
Host:Jim Schneider
Guest: Jerry Bergman

Dr. Bergman is adjunct associate professor and research associate at Medical University of Ohio in Toledo and professor of Biology and Chemistry at Northwest State Community College, Archbold, Ohio.  He holds nine college degrees from the Medical College of Ohio, Wayne State University in Detroit, The University of Toledo, and Bowling Green State University, and has taught college-level biology, genetics, chemistry, biochemistry, anthropology, geology, and microbiology for over 32 years.

Dr. Bergman has 800 publications appearing in 12 languages, including more than 30 books and monographs on topics ranging from mental health and religious discrimination to vestigial organs, psychology and religious cults. He has also contributed to dozens of textbooks.  His latest book is The Dark Side of Charles Darwin: A Critical Analysis of an Icon of Science.
Charles Darwin, the icon of evolution, is said to have exhibited both mental health problems and overt racism.  He had a very low opinion of women, plagiarized freely in developing his theory of evolution, and as a child, he enjoyed the sadistic killing of animals with any handy weapon, including hammers.

Was Darwin’s theory of evolution actually “theological” in the sense that he developed evolution to replace the concept of God?  Does Darwinism demand atheism? These are just a few of the "skeletons" discovered in Charles Darwin's "closet".

A Burqa for Lady Liberty

Date:March 7, 2011
Host:Vic Eliason
Guest:Walid Shoebat

Walid Shoebat is a former Palestinian terrorist and Muslim Brotherhood member who understands the mindset, motivation, strategy and history of the Islamic jihad.  Shoebat disputes the Western media’s portrayal that this is a pro-democracy movement and explains instead how the revolution serves the Muslim Brotherhood’s objective to resurrect the Turkish Ottoman Empire, ruled by a Sharia caliphate.
The Islamic group that had pledged to have a pro-sharia rally outside the White House last week abruptly canceled their plans and announced they were going to cover the Statue of Liberty in a Burqa instead. This group has the goal of Islamic domination for the United States.
Outlandish ideas like putting a burqa on Lady Liberty or destroying it and putting up a minaret go well beyond typical Islamist “talking points” such as Islam being a peaceful religion.  These points are apparently very effective as Walid points to in the blessing given to the Muslim Brotherhood by Barack Obama concerning their involvement in the restructuring of Egypt.
Why is Sharia law incompatible with our Bill of Rights?  What could happen if Americans continue to remain in the dark about the Qur’an and the Hadith?  Walid sounds the alarm regarding these and other facets of the Islamic threat on this edition of Crosstalk.

More Information:

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By phone: 1-800-729-9829 M-F 8am-5pm Central

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Friday News Roundup

Ingrid began this edition of Crosstalk with mention of a documentary called, The Child: America’s Battle for the Next Generation.  This documentary looks at the primacy of parental rights and how they are under attack.  It can be viewed online this Monday (3/7) on at 7pm and again at 11pm Central time.  (The program will also air on channel 378 on DirecTV.)
Ingrid then presented the following topics to help facilitate discussion:
--An estimated 7.5 million dollars in damage has been done to Wisconsin’s capitol by demonstrators.
--Will the Statue of Liberty be covered with a Muslim burqa?
The phone lines were then opened up to callers who communicated concerns of their own dealing with the following: the M.I.A. democrat legislators in Wisconsin…left-wing hatred and the entitlement mentality…sick notes for protesting teachers in Madison, WI….and much more.

Friday, March 4, 2011

What is Worship Music?

Dr. Paul S. Jones is the organist and Music Director at historic Tenth Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia.  He has composed or arranged more than seventy sacred works.  He has recorded nine CD’s and composed or arranged more than 200 sacred works including 50 hymn tunes.
What is worship?  It depends upon our understanding of God.  Our coming together to celebrate him involves recognizing and describing his great acts, such as creation and redemption, as well as his attributes and characteristics.  This element is consistent throughout the three facets of worship: praise, prayer and proclamation.
So if you were to look at the body of Christ as a mirror, how much of himself do you think God sees being reflected when he looks at our worship?  Does he see us selfishly trying to appease our personal preferences or does he really see people concentrating on him?
These and numerous other factors are discussed as Ingrid and Paul discuss the controversial topic, “What is Worship Music?”
This program first aired September 29, 2010