Wednesday, March 16, 2011

"Unions: Getting Out"

Date:March 16, 2011
Host:Vic Eliason
Guest: Brad Dacus

Brad Dacus served as Legislative Assistant to U.S. Senator Phil Gramm, and went on to receive his Juris Doctorate from the University of Texas, School of Law. For the next five years, Mr. Dacus coordinated religious freedom and parental rights cases throughout the Western states. In 1997, Mr. Dacus founded Pacific Justice Institute, where he serves as President and continues to defend religious liberties and parental rights. The Pacific Justice Institute has a network of approximately a thousand volunteer affiliate attorneys and handles more cases on the West Coast than any other organization of its kind.
With the recent budget moves by Wisconsin governor Scott Walker, unions are in the spotlight. The problem is, what if you work in a union job and you know that your union dues are going to causes that are unbiblical? What are your options?
Brad presents information concerning your rights available under Title 7 of the Civil Rights Act, the help available through the National Right to Work Foundation, his thoughts on public sector collective bargaining, and more.
On the second half of the program, Vic played sound bites of public sector school students, in two separate venues, being used as messengers by political motivators. Should teachers be allowed to do this with our children at taxpayer expense? Find out what listeners had to say on this edition of Crosstalk.

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