Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Jim Schneider with Jerry Bergman: "The Dark Side of Darwin"

Date:March 8, 2011
Host:Jim Schneider
Guest: Jerry Bergman

Dr. Bergman is adjunct associate professor and research associate at Medical University of Ohio in Toledo and professor of Biology and Chemistry at Northwest State Community College, Archbold, Ohio.  He holds nine college degrees from the Medical College of Ohio, Wayne State University in Detroit, The University of Toledo, and Bowling Green State University, and has taught college-level biology, genetics, chemistry, biochemistry, anthropology, geology, and microbiology for over 32 years.

Dr. Bergman has 800 publications appearing in 12 languages, including more than 30 books and monographs on topics ranging from mental health and religious discrimination to vestigial organs, psychology and religious cults. He has also contributed to dozens of textbooks.  His latest book is The Dark Side of Charles Darwin: A Critical Analysis of an Icon of Science.
Charles Darwin, the icon of evolution, is said to have exhibited both mental health problems and overt racism.  He had a very low opinion of women, plagiarized freely in developing his theory of evolution, and as a child, he enjoyed the sadistic killing of animals with any handy weapon, including hammers.

Was Darwin’s theory of evolution actually “theological” in the sense that he developed evolution to replace the concept of God?  Does Darwinism demand atheism? These are just a few of the "skeletons" discovered in Charles Darwin's "closet".