Monday, May 9, 2011

Is May 21st Judgment Day?

Air Date: May 9, 2011
Host: Vic Eliason
Guest: Jackie Alnor

Show Audio

Jackie Alnor has a BA degree from Texas A&M University in the field of Communication and Media and was trained in apologetics at the former Simon Greenleaf School of Law. She is a veteran researcher, writer, activist, and defender of the faith and hosts a weekly radio program on the Rapture Ready Radio network called the Apostasy Alert. She is the author of the book, The Fleecing of Christianity and her testimony is included in the book, On the Wings of Grace, an anthology of ex-Catholics edited by former priest Richard Bennett. She has been monitoring, taping, and documenting religious programming since the 1980’s and her clips have been used by many apologetics ministries in many video exposes.

In 1992, religious broadcaster Harold Camping published a book titled 1994? in which he set the date for the Lord's return for September 6, 1994. Obviously that date-setting effort failed so now in his latest book, Time Has An End, he has set a new "absolute" date of May 21, 2011. Unfortunately, his latest end-times message is garnering secular press which merely sets Christianity and prophecy up once again for ridicule by the mainstream press.

Despite the fact that his 1994 failure has shown Camping to be a false prophet, he has convinced many people of the validity of his new date. This is due to the great exposure he’s able to give such efforts through his 150 station Family Radio Network, a network that Jackie claims is now 65 million dollars in debt. His followers have also erected billboards across the U.S., some have emblazoned their cars with the message, while others are handing out T-shirts and bumper stickers.

Join Jackie and Vic as they explore Harold Camping’s bizarre world of numerology/theology and what the fallout might be when this date also fails.

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